
Don’t Forget to Include Test Equipment in Your Validation Plan!

Test equipment may need to be identified.

Often, when the test equipment is ‘standard’ (e.g., stopwatches, oscilloscopes, etc.), this is left to the protocol but if test fixtures or something non-standard is required, it’s helpful to identify in the application validation plan.

Available Prior to Test Execution

This helps ensure that the resources are allocated and available prior to test execution.

And by “available,” this may mean that the test fixture is, itself, validated or qualified.

Vision System Example

For example, if you’re validating a vision system that identifies defective product, you’ll need to have sample defective product to show that, indeed, the software identifies the required defects (and doesn’t reject good product).

So part of the application validation plan may be to identify such test fixtures or test articles and ensure they are available prior to any testing.


Kevin Martin

Managing Partner at Azzur