Company Procedures
Company procedures should:
- Establish policy & ground rules for use to ensure consistency
- Address management of logbooks and a central point for management (typically document control)
- Include procedures for assigning logbooks to ensure they are properly accounted for and traceable.
- Describe reviewer qualifications and expectations (not just a “rubber stamp” exercise!)
- Be assigned to a system or process – shouldn’t be “general purpose shared by all.”
For example, a server maintenance logbook would be applicable to a single sever or a group of related servers. Likewise, laboratory logbooks are common for an array of activities including personnel monitoring, water and clean steam discard. They should not be used in a manner where projects or processes are intermingled. They are typically assigned to a single owner but exceptions can be made to assign to multiple owners; however, this requires extraordinary actions be taken.
- Returned to document control when filled or when the actions triggering entry are concluded (e.g., project ends or the owner leaves the company or gets transferred)