Creating role-based learning can be difficult and mistakes can be costly. In one small biopharmaceutical manufacturing company, the relationship with their LearnGxP Learning Strategy Consultant made all the difference.

The Challenge: Creating Role-Based Training is Time and Resource Intensive
Meet a small biopharmaceutical manufacturing company who doesn’t have a dedicated training team.
- Multiple roles: Everyone has multiple roles and each role requires different courses and needs to be assigned to different team members.
- Hour of work: Designing role-based training creates hours of work in researching, reviewing, and fine-tuning training plans.
- Mistakes are costly: They waste learners’ time, increase onboarding timelines, and are a compliance risk.

The Solution: Training Optimization Plans
LearnGxP is your partner in training. The dedicated Learning Strategy Consultant (LSC):
- Listened to their needs.
- Asked thoughtful questions.
- Identified gaps in the training matrix.
- Built a custom Training Optimization Plan (TOP) to send for internal review and implementation.

The Impact: Countless Hours Saved
- Time saved: There was no need to pour over the catalog, identify their needs, and review courses.
- Clear and focused TOP: With a quick delivery, it was easy for decision-makers to review and implement.
- Role-based curricula: Now they have comprehensive and compliant curricula that seamlessly integrate with their company’s SOPs and OJTs.