Course Code: ELM-133-05

Commercial Software Can Never Be Pre-Validated [Video]

If you see a commercial software company advertising their software as pre-validated, that really isn’t true.

Validation on System on Which it Runs

Software can only be validated on the system on which it actually runs.
Their software may be considered validated on THEIR system, but you cannot take their validation results and assert that the system is validated for your use.

Software as a Service (SaaS)

The one possible exception to this rule is with Software as a Service (SaaS).
SaaS generally runs “in the cloud” and the interface is through a web browser.
If, though, the SaaS application is configured or customized (we’ll discuss later), then, it can’t be “pre-validated” but validation may be simplified and tailored to just the customizations or configurations.


Kevin Martin

Managing Partner at Azzur